Wednesday, May 11, 2005

redneck rampage

redneck rampage
Originally uploaded by kmc1.
OK, this is really yesterday's news. Really last millenium's news. But we just found out about it. If you're a video game fan, here's your game. Redneck Rampage. Moon Pie snacks become Cow Pie power-ups, and Leonard has a repertoire of post-killing punchlines such as "You plays with the bull, ya gets the horns." Other touches of humor are more subtle. If Leonard dives into a well and swims along an underwater tunnel, he'll come up for air in the outhouse. Health is restored by drinking moonshine and cheap-ass whiskey - but watch your intake! Too much 'shine and you'll be lurching out of control. While Leonard can "take a quick pee" to sober up a bit, more obvious scatological gags fall flat - including the straining, splashing sound effects that start up whenever he nears a toilet.

redneck rampage